Email the White House: Stop the Tests!

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Here is a message you can cut and paste and bring with you to that form, or create your own. Don’t forget to sign your name.

Dear President Biden,

I am writing today to ask that you do everything in your power to reverse the February 22, 2021 guidance on testing waivers sent by Ian Rosenblum (USDE) to chief state school officers. 

I join many, many other parent/guardians, students, educators, and concerned citizens who adamantly reject the idea that ESSA’s decree of annual standardized testing should stand in a year that has been anything but standard. 

Forcing schools to administer the tests, which is the gist of Mr. Rosenblum’s guidance, undermines your administration’s call to support the social-emotional and mental health of our students in this time of crisis. We champion that call, as do superintendents and state education leaders around the country. Rosenblum’s offer of a “flexible” testing window or format would not mitigate the impacts of the tests. The tests must be canceled. Period.

In a good year, standardized one-size-fits-all tests do little more than show us where resources are lacking, and where affluence congregates. This year, we have had a global pandemic illuminate these systemic inequities in broad relief. By releasing states from the mandate to implement the tests, you will not only enable teachers to draw on their expertise to assess their students, but also allow the funds attached to the tests to be redirected to services needed most immediately on the ground in communities now. 

Mr. Rosenblum issued his guidance before the secretary or the deputy secretary of education were confirmed. Why was he allowed to issue guidance that runs so contrary to promises you made on the campaign trail regarding standardized testing, educators’ expertise, and students’ well being? It is not too late to pull back the guidance, cancel the tests, and get back on the path you declared as your education agenda. 

Can I count on you to bring your influence to bear so that happens? 
